At today's May 22 Administrative Voting Session there were no surprises. The Liquor Board voted 5-0 in both cases to approve the wording of letters they will be sending out shortly to all Parties of Record publishing the Board's findings in fact and law in support of the decisions taken at the May 2 License Renewal Protest hearings for J's Sports Cafe in Crystal Plaza in South Laurel (not to renew the license, which now expires on May 31) and Sunrise Restaurant and Sports Bar in Sunrise Plaza in Beltsville, (to renew the license conditioned by the agreement made with the community).
Also of nearby interest from that Liquor Board meeting:
Sullivan's Steak & Beverage on Rt 198 at Rt 197 was approved to offer "entertainment (no dancing)" on up to 4 days a week -- apparently music and events like Cinco de Mayo, pending further specification to the Liquor Board of the actual hours for which that entertainment would be provided.