Update: Help Find Lilly website helpfindlilly.blogspot.
Update 2011.07.03: Reward raised to $500
Newly available tracking map as of July 2.
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Name: Lilly
Breed: Labrador retriever Mix - Small
Sex: Spayed female
Age: Approximately 7 years
Weight: 45 pounds
Color: Black
IDs: Red collar w/daisies
- PAWS New England tag vaccination tag
- Microchip implanted #OA12564F79
Lost: Tuesday June 26, near the bridge and Little Paint Branch Creek area at the Beltsville Community Center. Now believed wandering beyond that area, into the vicinity of Laurel.
Particulars: She is very reclusive, shy and fearful -- though extremely gentle. She is afraid of human beings, loud noises and other dogs. She doesn't approach people, but will come to you slowly if you offer her hot dogs. She may run away if there are any quick or sharp movements anywhere nearby.
Lilly's owners ask you to please help find their precious dog:
- Call: 301-439-0723 or 301-466-5383
- E-mail: f50solomon@yahoo.com