District 1 News
A Strong Voice for Strong Communities
Councilwoman Mary Lehman
County Council District 1
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772
Dear Neighbors:
One of most important roles of a legislative body is oversight of the executive branch, including its spending, staffing, administrative policies and contracting and procurement practices.
This is a role I take seriously, in part because we lack the kind of Inspector General model that is used for auditing and oversight in the federal government, and in part because it is a critical function that helps ensure checks and balances in county government.
For example, recently on the Public Safety and Fiscal Management Committee I questioned the basis for a proposed $1.2 million sole source contract for business development support for county-based companies (CR-17-2014). I'm all for training and management support for small, minority, and locally owned business, but our Office of Central Services failed to justify its decision to not use an open bidding process so the county could get the most competitive rate for this work. The committee declined to approve the agreement until the agency can demonstrate the firm is so uniquely qualified that a competitive process was not necessary to make the award.
 Another recent effort to ensure accountability by a public entity involves WSSC. I asked, in a letter, for the utility to respond to a series of questions related to its April 30 late night decision to open all seven floodgates at the Duckett Dam in Laurel. The peak release of 66,000 gallons of water per second, following three days of heavy rain, resulted in significant flooding in downtown Laurel and forced the evacuation of approximately 150 residents. City officials were given just 15 minutes' notice to trigger emergency operations that involved moving residents and minimizing property damage along the Main Street corridor.
I am asking whether there was adequate planning prior to opening the floodgates, and if this action was avoidable, given that WSSC has opened all of the Duckett Dam floodgates twice in 18 months. (It opened the dam with minimum notice to Prince George's, Howard and Anne Arundel counties January 31, 2013.) I will report back to you on WSSC's response.
My annual District 1 Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, June 3 will offer residents a unique opportunity to speak with representatives from various county agencies and ask questions directly. I also want to hear from you on issues impacting our community, including County programs and services; the FY 2015 Budget; road, sidewalk and other infrastructure projects; and other issues of concern. Mark your calendar and tell your neighbors. I hope to see you there!
Mary Lehman County Council District 1
District 1 Annual Town Hall
Tuesday, June 3, 7-9 PM
Laurel Beltsville Senior Center 7120 Contee Road, Laurel, MD 20707
Join Councilwoman Lehman for an update on the state of District 1 and Prince George's County. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the various County agencies from representatives in attendance. If you have any questions, please contact 301-952-3887 or dmyles@co.pg.md.us. Click here for a flier. Tell a neighbor or friend and come together!
Community News
Low-Cost Rabies Vaccinations:
Important Protection for Your Pet & Your Family
Saturday, May 24 & June 7, 10 AM-1 PM
 The Prince George's County Health Department has partnered with Prince George's County Animal Management Division to provide protection from rabies for you, your pets, your family and our community. The Health Department will hold low-cost rabies vaccination clinics for your pets at the Animal Services Facility on 3750 Brown Station Road, Upper Marlboro Maryland. There will be a $10 charge per vaccination, bring exact change.
Tree ReLeaf Grant Program
Thursday, May 29, 10 AM
Join the Department of Environmental Resources to kick off and relaunch our program to help Prince George's County "turn green" with trees. The ReLeaf Grant Program provides landscape funding to community organizations and municipalities for planting projects in public spaces. Please gather at the intersection of Navahoe Street and 54th Avenue in College Park. Contact Linda Lowe at lmlowe@co.pg.md.us to RSVP.
Anacostia Tree Planting Event
Saturday, May 31, 9 AM-Noon
 Come plant trees in the Beaverdam Creek Watershed (USDA/BARC property). We will be planting more than 100 native trees and shrubs (holes will be pre-dug). No experience necessary. Gain community service hours! USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. Near the Intersection of Center Rd. & Powder Mill Rd., Beltsville, MD. See flier for a detailed map of meeting site and planting location. Please RSVP to Aubin Maynard at amaynard@mwcog.org or call 202-962-3233. Organized by Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments on behalf of USDA/BARC and Maryland DNR.
Found Laurel: Behind the Scenes Tour of Kroop's Boots
Saturday, May 31, 7 PM
For over 100 years and four generations, the Kroop family has created hand-made quality custom riding boots and much more. Join the Laurel Historical Society for an extensive behind the scenes tour of A. M. Kroop and Sons, Inc. and hear about the historic past of this Laurel based landmark. Mark your calendar!RSVP required. Light refreshments will be served. $20 member, $22 non-member.
Countywide Listening Session for North County
Thursday, June 5, 6-8 PM
Parks & Recreation Administration
6600 Kenilworth Ave, Riverdale Park, MD 20737
Join M-NCPPC staff in their effort to make development regulations easy to understand, user friendly, and supportive of quality development for Prince George's County. The Prince George's County Planning Department is doing a comprehensive update to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. This project will transform the current zoning code to a more user-friendly 21st Century Zoning Ordinance for Prince George's County.

Prince George's County: A Great Place to Live! 2014 Housing Fair and House Lottery Saturday, June 14, 9 AM-3 PM
The Prince George's County Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will host the 2014 Housing Fair. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet with mortgage lenders, realtors, rental property managers, housing counselors, banks, non-profit organizations and various government agencies. The Fair will also hold workshops on financial literacy, avoiding housing scams, first-time home buyer programs, managing your money and more. During the day's event, County Executive Rushern Baker will draw the name of the housing lottery winner. Prince George's Sports and Learning Complex, 8001 Sheriff Road, Landover, MD.
News You Can Use
New Housing Tax Credit
The state has implemented a new tax credit program designed to make home ownership more affordable for working families. The Maryland HomeCredit program allows eligible buyers to claim a federal tax credit worth 25% of interest paid on a mortgage - up to $2,000 annually - for the life of a loan. Find out more information here.
MyLaurel: New Mobile App
MyLaurel is the City of Laurel's new mobile app for news, alerts and event information. You may also submit service requests directly to city departments from your mobile phone. Download the app here.
Pothole Season
The Department of Public Works & Transportation makes pothole repairs on all county maintained roadways. Roads that are identified by a route number (example Route 1) are the responsibility of the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA). Call 301-952-0555to report a pothole to SHA. To report a county pothole, please click here and fill out the form. Residents may also call 301-499-8520.
Contact My Staff
Bridget Warren
Chief of Staff
Matt Dernoga
Policy Analyst
Dora Myles-Moore
Constituent Services Aide
Jasmin Holmes
Administrative Aide